Frequently Asked Questions

On an average a translator completes about 1500 - 3000 words per day. This will vary depending on the context, complexity and layout of the text.
We do undertake any size or any type of work, but for optimum use of resources and time, we charge a minimum amount for small jobs.
If possible try and provide documents in electronic format such as Word, this can reduce delivery time and cost as translators can overwrite the existing text retaining the original format.
If the material is in text format, you can send to us in electronic format (Word file, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, etc.) via e-mail. Any paper material can be sent by post or a scanned copy can be sent via email. We can also receive material via fax if the original is perfectly clear. File can also be uploaded on the website and FTP details can be shared.

If software is to be localized you should send the source files, or local files via e-mail or upload them via ftp onto a specific area and share the link.

If it is a Web site to be localized, you should send us the contents of the website to be localized files or FTP details can be shared. For small web sites, you can also send us the complete structure in .zip format, via e-mail.
A brief background for the translation has to be given for the translator to understand the context of the document. Let us know what the translation is for and who the target audience is - that's way we can select the appropriate translator for the assignment and they can in turn translate the document with this in mind.
Yes, it's always better to give support material or reference files because available reference material can be important for the translator(s) to get a feel for the style and the preferred phraseology required by your company.
The computer reads and recognizes languages for which it has inbuilt software else one will have to download or buy from the market. A PDF file is provided where technically possible.
Translation (Link this to translation page) is the process of converting a text from one language to another whereas Localization (Link this to localization page) is a practice of adapting a product to meet the requirement of the local language, culture and a specific target market. This process must take into account technical standards, stylistic requirements, place holders, tags and the exceptions.
Since the style of each translator varies it is recommended that the document is not split between translators. It is normally done when text is very large and a list of words/ lexicons is provided to maintain consistency, we also use CAT tool to maintain consistency.
Yes. If your objective is to market to a key foreign partner or potential distributor, it is wise to have your company information translated into the local language. While English is widely spoken overseas, English is not often spoken at second and third management levels in foreign firms. This is often where purchasing decisions are made.
Translation is in written form and is the process of translating the meaning of text or words in one language into another language. Interpretation is in oral form and is used when listening to someone speak orally and interpreting it in a desired language. For example, interpreters are often used to translate at conferences, while technical quotes and specifications are translated into written form.
Please use the quotation form (link) to tell us about your project, carefully filling in all fields and providing as much information as possible: we will be pleased to contact you within 24 hours or as quickly as possible with our best offer. You can also upload a file on our website to get an exact quotation, timelines and payment terms.
For us, every translation, localization or globalization project is a stand alone project. We carefully do the scoop study of the project, do milestone based project planning, gather all relevant requirements, select a panel of translators, perfectly suited to the project, and translate the file without affecting the original format. Check list is referred before every release, which results into on-time, flawless deliveries.
We always welcome and collaborate with translators and localization professionals. If you are interested in working with ®, please complete the Join Us form on career page: Our hiring team will evaluate all proposals received, and may contact you for any further information required.

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